Join Vinefire!


Monday, November 5, 2007


Hello Dear,

I have just joined a NETWORK that is dedicated to making You a Successful Entrepreneur. This Network was launched on 24th of Sept. 2007, in which I was a living witness. This Network is called SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR'S NETWORK. This network has a vision of creating 1, 000, 000 successful entrepreneurs by the year 2020. This is tagged Vision 2020. Are you going to be one of the 1, 000, 000 Successful Entrepreneurs by the year 2020? All lies in your hands!!How do they intend to go about it? I will explain in details.

You might have seen or read Success Digest Magazine or their latest News Paper Format before and you loved what you see. You might have even recomended it for a friend before without any reward. But now the Network intends to pay you for your hard work of introducing somebody into the Network of Success Digest Newspaper readers. The only product the Network promotes is the SUCCESS DIGEST EXTRA!

All you need to do as a member of the Network is to introduce your family, friends,poeple and also your colleages into the Network and you will be rewarded at various levels.

How do you join the Network?
1. Open a Fastecash account here it is totally FREE to register.

2. Go to the website to search for a reseller near you to buy your pincode of N 1,050 inorder for you to load it into your fastecash account. You only need to pay a one time payment of N 1000 to join the Network.

3. Click on register on the Network site

4. Do not forget to put "seunola" as your referral id at the end of the form.

Some of the benefits for joining the network are listed below by the initiator himself.

Your SEN Benefits At A Glance
By Dr. Sunny Obazu-Ojeagbase

YOUR first major benefit for joining Successful Entrepreneurs Network [SEN] is that your entrepreneurial ability will be developed so that you will be able to create wealth and be financially free. Also, you will be trained to have the passion to encourage others to embrace the entrepreneurial lifestyle. Anyone who is not interested in this goal will be wasting their time and money if they join.

Your second major benefit is that you will be receiving a FREE copy of SuccessDigest Extra! fortnightly from the time you join the network and when you receive your Ultimate Reward of N4,000,000. The FREE issue of SDE! could either be the digital edition [delivered online] or the printed version [delivered through our Authorized Resellers].

What this means is that when you join the network with N1,050 only, you will be getting SDE! regularly without paying for it again until you receive the Ultimate Reward. And after receiving just TEN [10] issues in a space of FIVE months, you would have recouped the money you paid to join the network. What a great opportunity!

SDE! is the main PRODUCT of the SEN. It’s in it that you will be getting all the ideas, strategies and opportunities that will help you perfect your entrepreneurial skills.

SuccessDigest has been in existence for more than 12 years. It started as a monthly magazine in September 1995 and was transformed into a fortnightly newspaper in July 2006.

Currently, the stories and exploits of those who have been influenced positively by the publications is being compiled. It is titled: Entrepreneurial Giants in the Making –– for that is what they shall surely become.

Your third major benefit for joining SEN is that you will receive financial reward for helping to propagate SuccessDigest Extra!, the main product of the network.

Before the network was introduced, readers of SD and SDE! had the strong habit of spreading the word about the publication. When they contact it for the first time, they are surprised to see the high quality, life transforming information that it contained.

Intoxicated with the life-enriching information, they are moved to share it with all their loved ones. And, the publication became widely known and the market grew steadily. For doing this evangelical work for the publication, they were not paid anything. Now, that has changed with the introduction of SEN.

With SEN, every member will be rewarded for their loyalty and paid cash reward for bringing others into the network. Following is the LOYALTY REWARD [or Compensation] PLAN:

A cash reward of N15,000 and a set of books on entrepreneurship. To get this reward, you are expected to bring FIVE [5] people into the network.

A cash reward of N75,000 and an intensive, three-week, all expenses** paid entrepreneurial development training at the Success Attitude Development Centre [SADC]. **See SEN website [ ] for details of this compensation plan.
To get this reward, you must bring TEN [10] people into the network, making a total of FIFTEEN [15] people altogether at this level.

A cash reward of N500,000, an intensive, all-expenses paid, two-week ICT training at Success Attitude Development Centre [SADC]. At the end of the training –– which will empower you to be computer and Internet literate and be able to do a business online –– you will receive a free, brand new laptop.
To get this reward, you must bring FIFTEEN [15] people into the network, making a total of THIRTY [30] people altogether at this level.

The ultimate reward is a mouth-watering, N4,000,000 jackpot! To get this reward, you must bring TWENTY [20] people into the network, making a total of FIFTY [50] people altogether at this level.[Read the full details of this reward on our website

This reward is for every SENetworker [not just Authorized Reseller] who covers an extra mile and bring in more than the required 50 people to the network. The reward is 5% of what each extra person introduced is receiving.

For example, if the extra person introduced is receiving the Ultimate Reward of N4,000,000, the person who introduced him/her will be paid 5% of that amount which is N200,000. This money will be paid by SADC and not deducted from the N4,000,000.
[SIDE NOTE: The bonus reward for enterprise will be paid simultaneously at the time the extra person introduced is receiving their own reward].

Your fourth major benefit for joining SEN is that by the time you received the Ultimate Reward, you will be fully prepared to go into business of your own or be in a position to run better [and expand] the one you may have started before then.

However you view it, these are great benefits you cannot afford to ignore.
So, go to SEN website at and click on the RESELLERS button to discover the address of our Authorized Reseller that is closest to you. Contact him or her and you will be guided as to what to do to become a SENetworker.

Don’t postpone your decision for another day. Join today!

Dr. Sunny Obazu-Ojeagbase is the Executive Chairman of Success Attitude Development Centre and Co-Founder/Publisher of SuccessDigest Extra!

Visit: for details.
DO NOT FORGET TO PUT "seunola" as your referral Id

To your online success,
Seun Ola